Source code for psyplot.gdal_store

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Gdal Store for reading GeoTIFF files into an :class:`xarray.Dataset`

This module contains the definition of the :class:`GdalStore` class that can
be used to read in a GeoTIFF file into an :class:`xarray.Dataset`.
It requires that you have the python gdal module installed.

to open a GeoTIFF file named ``'my_tiff.tiff'`` you can do::

    >>> from psyplot.gdal_store import GdalStore
    >>> from xarray import open_dataset
    >>> ds = open_dataset(GdalStore("my_tiff"))

Or you use the `engine` of the :func:`psyplot.open_dataset` function:

    >>> ds = open_dataset("my_tiff.tiff", engine="gdal")

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 University of Lausanne
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

import six
from numpy import arange, dtype, nan
from xarray import Variable
from xarray.backends.common import AbstractDataStore

import as psyd
from psyplot.warning import warn

    from xarray.core.utils import FrozenOrderedDict
except ImportError:
    FrozenOrderedDict = dict
    import gdal
    from osgeo import gdal_array
except ImportError as e:
    gdal = psyd._MissingModule(e)
    from dask.array import Array

    with_dask = True
except ImportError:
    with_dask = False

[docs] class GdalStore(AbstractDataStore): """Datastore to read raster files suitable for the gdal package We recommend to use the :func:`psyplot.open_dataset` function to open a geotiff file:: >>> ds = psyplot.open_dataset("my_geotiff.tiff", engine="gdal") Notes ----- The :class:`GdalStore` object is not as elaborate as, for example, the `gdal_translate` command. Many attributes, e.g. variable names or netCDF dimensions will not be interpreted. We only support two dimensional arrays and each band is saved into one variable named like ``'Band1', 'Band2', ...``. If you want a more elaborate translation of your GDAL Raster, convert the file to a netCDF file using ``gdal_translate`` or the ``gdal.GetDriverByName('netCDF').CreateCopy`` method. However this class does not create an extra file on your hard disk as it is done by GDAL.""" def __init__(self, filename_or_obj): """ Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj: str The path to the GeoTIFF file or a gdal dataset""" if isinstance(psyd.safe_list(filename_or_obj)[0], six.string_types): self.ds = gdal.Open(filename_or_obj) self._filename = filename_or_obj else: self.ds = filename_or_obj fnames = self.ds.GetFileList() self._filename = fnames[0] if len(fnames) == 1 else fnames
[docs] def get_variables(self): def load(band): band = ds.GetRasterBand(band) a = band.ReadAsArray() no_data = band.GetNoDataValue() if no_data is not None: try: a[a == no_data] = a.dtype.type(nan) except ValueError: pass return a ds = self.ds dims = ["lat", "lon"] chunks = ((ds.RasterYSize,), (ds.RasterXSize,)) shape = (ds.RasterYSize, ds.RasterXSize) variables = dict() for iband in range(1, ds.RasterCount + 1): band = ds.GetRasterBand(iband) dt = dtype([band.DataType]) if with_dask: dsk = {("x", 0, 0): (load, iband)} arr = Array(dsk, "x", chunks, shape=shape, dtype=dt) else: arr = load(iband) attrs = band.GetMetadata_Dict() try: dt.type(nan) attrs["_FillValue"] = nan except ValueError: no_data = band.GetNoDataValue() attrs.update({"_FillValue": no_data} if no_data else {}) variables["Band%i" % iband] = Variable(dims, arr, attrs) variables["lat"], variables["lon"] = self._load_GeoTransform() return FrozenOrderedDict(variables)
def _load_GeoTransform(self): """Calculate latitude and longitude variable calculated from the gdal.Open.GetGeoTransform method""" def load_lon(): return arange(ds.RasterXSize) * b[1] + b[0] def load_lat(): return arange(ds.RasterYSize) * b[5] + b[3] ds = self.ds b = self.ds.GetGeoTransform() # bbox, interval if with_dask: lat = Array( {("lat", 0): (load_lat,)}, "lat", (self.ds.RasterYSize,), shape=(self.ds.RasterYSize,), dtype=float, ) lon = Array( {("lon", 0): (load_lon,)}, "lon", (self.ds.RasterXSize,), shape=(self.ds.RasterXSize,), dtype=float, ) else: lat = load_lat() lon = load_lon() return Variable(("lat",), lat), Variable(("lon",), lon)
[docs] def get_attrs(self): from osr import SpatialReference attrs = self.ds.GetMetadata() try: sp = SpatialReference(wkt=self.ds.GetProjection()) proj4 = sp.ExportToProj4() except Exception: warn("Could not identify projection") else: attrs["proj4"] = proj4 return FrozenOrderedDict(attrs)