Source code for psyplot.config.rcsetup

"""Default management of the psyplot package

This module defines the necessary classes, data and functions for the default
configuration of the module.
The structure is motivated and to larger parts taken from the matplotlib_

.. _matplotlib:"""

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 University of Lausanne
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only

import contextlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import UserDict, defaultdict
from itertools import chain

import six
import yaml

from psyplot.config.logsetup import _get_home
from psyplot.docstring import dedent, docstrings, safe_modulo
from psyplot.utils import isstring
from psyplot.warning import warn

[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="safe_list") @dedent def safe_list(iterable): """Function to create a list Parameters ---------- iterable: iterable or anything else Parameter that shall be converted to a list. - If string or any non-iterable, it will be put into a list - if iterable, it will be converted to a list Returns ------- list `l` put (or converted) into a list""" if isstring(iterable): return [iterable] try: return list(iterable) except TypeError: return [iterable]
[docs] class SubDict(UserDict, dict): # type: ignore """Class that keeps week reference to the base dictionary This class is used by the :meth:`RcParams.find_and_replace` method to provide an easy handable instance that keeps reference to the base rcParams dictionary.""" @property def data(self): """Dictionary representing this :class:`SubDict` instance See Also -------- iteritems """ return dict(list(self.iteritems())) @property def replace(self): """:class:`bool`. If True, matching strings in the :attr:`base_str` attribute are replaced with an empty string.""" return self._replace @replace.setter def replace(self, value): def replace_base(key): for pattern in self.patterns: try: return pattern.match(key).group("key") except AttributeError: # if match is None pass raise KeyError( "Could not find any matching key for %s in the base " "dictionary!" % key ) value = bool(value) if hasattr(self, "_replace") and value == self._replace: return if not hasattr(self, "_replace"): self._replace = value return # if the value has changed, we change the key in the SubDict instance # to match the ones in the base dictionary (if they exist) for key, val in iter(dict.items(self)): try: if value: new_key = replace_base(key) else: new_key = self._get_val_and_base(key)[0] except KeyError: continue else: dict.__setitem__(self, new_key, dict.pop(self, key)) self._replace = value #: :class:`dict`. Reference dictionary base = {} #: list of strings. The strings that are used to set and get a specific key #: from the :attr:`base` dictionary base_str = [] #: list of compiled patterns from the :attr:`base_str` attribute, that #: are used to look for the matching keys in :attr:`base` patterns = [] #: :class:`bool`. If True, changes are traced back to the :attr:`base` dict trace = False
[docs] @docstrings.get_sections(base="SubDict.add_base_str") @dedent def add_base_str( self, base_str, pattern=".+", pattern_base=None, append=True ): r""" Add further base string to this instance Parameters ---------- base_str: str or list of str Strings that are used as to look for keys to get and set keys in the :attr:`base` dictionary. If a string does not contain ``'%(key)s'``, it will be appended at the end. ``'%(key)s'`` will be replaced by the specific key for getting and setting an item. pattern: str Default: ``'.+'``. This is the pattern that is inserted for ``%(key)s`` in a base string to look for matches (using the :mod:`re` module) in the `base` dictionary. The default `pattern` matches everything without white spaces. pattern_base: str or list or str If None, the whatever is given in the `base_str` is used. Those strings will be used for generating the final search patterns. You can specify this parameter by yourself to avoid the misinterpretation of patterns. For example for a `base_str` like ``'my.str'`` it is recommended to additionally provide the `pattern_base` keyword with ``'my\.str'``. Like for `base_str`, the ``%(key)s`` is appended if not already in the string. append: bool If True, the given `base_str` are appended (i.e. it is first looked for them in the :attr:`base` dictionary), otherwise they are put at the beginning""" base_str = safe_list(base_str) pattern_base = safe_list(pattern_base or []) for i, s in enumerate(base_str): if "%(key)s" not in s: base_str[i] += "%(key)s" if pattern_base: for i, s in enumerate(pattern_base): if "%(key)s" not in s: pattern_base[i] += "%(key)s" else: pattern_base = base_str self.base_str = base_str + self.base_str self.patterns = ( list( map( lambda s: re.compile( s.replace("%(key)s", "(?P<key>%s)" % pattern) ), pattern_base, ) ) + self.patterns )
docstrings.delete_params("SubDict.add_base_str.parameters", "append") @docstrings.get_sections(base="SubDict") @docstrings.dedent def __init__( self, base, base_str, pattern=".+", pattern_base=None, trace=False, replace=True, ): """ Parameters ---------- base: dict base dictionary %(SubDict.add_base_str.parameters.no_append)s trace: bool Default: False. If True, changes in the SubDict are traced back to the `base` dictionary. You can change this behaviour also afterwards by changing the :attr:`trace` attribute replace: bool Default: True. If True, everything but the '%%(key)s' part in a base string is replaced (see examples below) Notes ----- - If a key of matches multiple strings in `base_str`, the first matching one is used. - the SubDict class is (of course) not that efficient as the :attr:`base` dictionary, since we loop multiple times through it's keys Examples -------- Initialization example:: >>> from psyplot import rcParams >>> d = rcParams.find_and_replace(['plotter.baseplotter.', ... 'plotter.vector.']) >>> print d['title'] >>> print d['arrowsize'] 1.0 To convert it to a usual dictionary, simply use the :attr:`data` attribute:: >>> {'title': None, 'arrowsize': 1.0, ...} Note that changing one keyword of your :class:`SubDict` will not change the :attr:`base` dictionary, unless you set the :attr:`trace` attribute to ``True``:: >>> d['title'] = 'my title' >>> print(d['title']) my title >>> print(rcParams['plotter.baseplotter.title']) >>> d.trace = True >>> d['title'] = 'my second title' >>> print(d['title']) my second title >>> print(rcParams['plotter.baseplotter.title']) my second title Furthermore, changing the :attr:`replace` attribute will change how you can access the keys:: >>> d.replace = False # now setting d['title'] = 'anything' would raise an error (since # d.trace is set to True and 'title' is not a key in the rcParams # dictionary. Instead we need >>> d['plotter.baseplotter.title'] = 'anything' See Also -------- RcParams.find_and_replace""" self.base = base self.base_str = [] self.patterns = [] self.replace = bool(replace) self.trace = bool(trace) self.add_base_str( base_str, pattern=pattern, pattern_base=pattern_base, append=False ) def __getitem__(self, key): if key in iter(dict.keys(self)): return dict.__getitem__(self, key) if not self.replace: return self.base[key] return self._get_val_and_base(key)[1] def __setitem__(self, key, val): # set it in the SubDict instance if trace is False if not self.trace: dict.__setitem__(self, key, val) return base = self.base # set it with the given key, if trace is True if not self.replace: base[key] = val dict.pop(self, key, None) return # first look if the key already exists in the base dictionary for s, patt in self._iter_base_and_pattern(key): m = patt.match(s) if m and s in base: base[] = val return # if the key does not exist, we set it self.base[key] = val def _get_val_and_base(self, key): found = False e = None for s, patt in self._iter_base_and_pattern(key): found = True try: m = patt.match(s) if m: return, self.base[] else: raise KeyError( "{0} does not match the specified pattern!".format(s) ) except KeyError: pass if not found: if e is not None: raise raise KeyError("{0} does not match the specified pattern!".format(key)) def _iter_base_and_pattern(self, key): return zip( map(lambda s: safe_modulo(s, {"key": key}), self.base_str), self.patterns, )
[docs] def iterkeys(self): """Unsorted iterator over keys""" patterns = self.patterns replace = self.replace seen = set() for key in six.iterkeys(self.base): for pattern in patterns: m = pattern.match(key) if m: ret ="key") if replace else if ret not in seen: seen.add(ret) yield ret break for key in iter(dict.keys(self)): if key not in seen: yield key
[docs] def iteritems(self): """Unsorted iterator over items""" return ((key, self[key]) for key in self.iterkeys())
[docs] def itervalues(self): """Unsorted iterator over values""" return (val for key, val in self.iteritems())
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """Update the dictionary""" for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(*args, **kwargs)): self[k] = v
docstrings.delete_params("SubDict.parameters", "base")
[docs] class RcParams(dict): """A dictionary object including validation validating functions are defined and associated with rc parameters in :data:`defaultParams` This class is essentially the same as in maplotlibs :class:`~matplotlib.RcParams` but has the additional :meth:`find_and_replace` method.""" @property def validate(self): """Dictionary with validation methods as values""" depr = self._all_deprecated return dict( (key, val[1]) for key, val in six.iteritems(self.defaultParams) if key not in depr ) @property def descriptions(self): """The description of each keyword in the rcParams dictionary""" return { key: val[2] for key, val in six.iteritems(self.defaultParams) if len(val) >= 3 } HEADER = """Configuration parameters of the psyplot module You can copy this file (or parts of it) to another path and save it as psyplotrc.yml. The directory should then be stored in the PSYPLOTCONFIGDIR environment variable.""" msg_depr = "%s is deprecated and replaced with %s; please use the latter." msg_depr_ignore = "%s is deprecated and ignored. Use %s" #: possible connections that shall be called if the rcParams value change _connections = defaultdict(list) #: the names of the entry points that are loaded during the #: :meth:`load_plugins` method _plugins = [] @property def _all_deprecated(self): return set(chain(self._deprecated_ignore_map, self._deprecated_map)) @property def defaultParams(self): return getattr(self, "_defaultParams", defaultParams) @defaultParams.setter def defaultParams(self, value): self._defaultParams = value @defaultParams.deleter def defaultParams(self): del self._defaultParams # validate values on the way in def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- defaultParams: dict The defaultParams to use (see the :attr:`defaultParams` attribute). By default, the :attr:`psyplot.config.rcsetup.defaultParams` dictionary is used Other Parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Any key-value pair for the initialization of the dictionary """ defaultParams = kwargs.pop("defaultParams", None) if defaultParams is not None: self.defaultParams = defaultParams self._deprecated_map = {} self._deprecated_ignore_map = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(*args, **kwargs)): try: self[k] = v except (ValueError, RuntimeError): # force the issue warn( _rcparam_warn_str.format( key=repr(k), value=repr(v), func="__init__" ) ) dict.__setitem__(self, k, v) def __setitem__(self, key, val): key, val = self._get_depreceated(key, val) if key is None: return try: cval = self.validate[key](val) except ValueError as ve: raise ValueError("Key %s: %s" % (key, str(ve))) dict.__setitem__(self, key, cval) for func in self._connections.get(key, []): func(cval) def _get_depreceated(self, key, *args): if key in self._deprecated_map: alt_key, alt_val = self._deprecated_map[key] warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key)) key = alt_key return key, alt_val(args[0]) if args else None elif key in self._deprecated_ignore_map: alt = self._deprecated_ignore_map[key] warn(self.msg_depr_ignore % (key, alt)) return None, None elif key not in self.defaultParams: raise KeyError( "%s is not a valid rc parameter. See rcParams.keys() for a " "list of valid parameters." % (key,) ) return key, args[0] if args else None def __getitem__(self, key): key = self._get_depreceated(key)[0] if key is not None: return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
[docs] def connect(self, key, func): """Connect a function to the given formatoption Parameters ---------- key: str The rcParams key func: function The function that shall be called when the rcParams key changes. It must accept a single value that is the new value of the key.""" key = self._get_depreceated(key)[0] if key is not None: self._connections[key].append(func)
[docs] def disconnect(self, key=None, func=None): """Disconnect the connections to the an rcParams key Parameters ---------- key: str The rcParams key. If None, all keys are used func: function The function that is connected. If None, all functions are connected """ if key is None: for key, connections in self._connections.items(): for conn in connections[:]: if func is None or conn is func: connections.remove(conn) else: connections = self._connections[key] for conn in connections[:]: if func is None or conn is func: connections.remove(conn)
[docs] def remove(self, key, func): key = self._get_depreceated(key)[0] if key is not None: self._connections[key].remove(func)
# the default dict `update` does not use __setitem__ # so rcParams.update(...) (such as in seaborn) side-steps # all of the validation over-ride update to force # through __setitem__
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): for k, v in six.iteritems(dict(*args, **kwargs)): try: self[k] = v except (ValueError, RuntimeError): # force the issue warn( _rcparam_warn_str.format( key=repr(k), value=repr(v), func="update" ) ) dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)
[docs] def update_from_defaultParams(self, defaultParams=None, plotters=True): """Update from the a dictionary like the :attr:`defaultParams` Parameters ---------- defaultParams: dict The :attr:`defaultParams` like dictionary. If None, the :attr:`defaultParams` attribute will be updated plotters: bool If True, ``'project.plotters'`` will be updated too""" if defaultParams is None: defaultParams = self.defaultParams self.update( { key: val[0] for key, val in defaultParams.items() if plotters or key != "project.plotters" } )
def __repr__(self): import pprint class_name = self.__class__.__name__ indent = len(class_name) + 1 repr_split = pprint.pformat( dict(self), indent=1, width=80 - indent ).split("\n") repr_indented = ("\n" + " " * indent).join(repr_split) return "{0}({1})".format(class_name, repr_indented) def __str__(self): return "\n".join( "{0}: {1}".format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(self.items()) )
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return sorted list of keys. """ k = list(dict.keys(self)) k.sort() return k
[docs] def values(self): """ Return values in order of sorted keys. """ return [self[k] for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def find_all(self, pattern): """ Return the subset of this RcParams dictionary whose keys match, using :func:``, the given ``pattern``. Parameters ---------- pattern: str pattern as suitable for re.compile Returns ------- RcParams RcParams instance with entries that match the given `pattern` Notes ----- Changes to the returned dictionary are (different from :meth:`find_and_replace` are *not* propagated to the parent RcParams dictionary. See Also -------- find_and_replace""" pattern_re = re.compile(pattern) ret = RcParams() ret.defaultParams = self.defaultParams ret.update( (key, value) for key, value in self.items() if ) return ret
[docs] @docstrings.dedent def find_and_replace(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Like :meth:`find_all` but the given strings are replaced This method returns a dictionary-like object that keeps weak reference to this rcParams instance. The resulting `SubDict` instance takes the keys from this rcParams instance but leaves away what is found in `base_str`. ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are determined by the :class:`SubDict` class, where the `base` dictionary is this one. Parameters ---------- %(SubDict.parameters.no_base)s Returns ------- SubDict SubDict with this rcParams instance as reference. Examples -------- The syntax is the same as for the initialization of the :class:`SubDict` class:: >>> from psyplot import rcParams >>> d = rcParams.find_and_replace(['plotter.baseplotter.', ... 'plotter.vector.']) >>> print(d['title']) None >>> print(d['arrowsize']) 1.0 See Also -------- find_all SubDict""" return SubDict(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_from_file(self, fname=None): """Update rcParams from user-defined settings This function updates the instance with what is found in `fname` Parameters ---------- fname: str Path to the yaml configuration file. Possible keys of the dictionary are defined by :data:`config.rcsetup.defaultParams`. If None, the :func:`config.rcsetup.psyplot_fname` function is used. See Also -------- dump_to_file, psyplot_fname""" fname = fname or psyplot_fname() if fname and os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname) as f: d = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) self.update(d) if ( d.get("project.plotters.user") and "project.plotters" in self ): self["project.plotters"].update(d["project.plotters.user"])
[docs] def dump( self, fname=None, overwrite=True, include_keys=None, exclude_keys=["project.plotters"], include_descriptions=True, **kwargs, ): """Dump this instance to a yaml file Parameters ---------- fname: str or None file name to write to. If None, the string that would be written to a file is returned overwrite: bool If True and `fname` already exists, it will be overwritten include_keys: None or list of str Keys in the dictionary to be included. If None, all keys are included exclude_keys: list of str Keys from the :class:`RcParams` instance to be excluded Other Parameters ---------------- ``**kwargs`` Any other parameter for the :func:`yaml.dump` function Returns ------- str or None if fname is ``None``, the string is returned. Otherwise, ``None`` is returned Raises ------ IOError If `fname` already exists and `overwrite` is False See Also -------- load_from_file""" if fname is not None and not overwrite and os.path.exists(fname): raise IOError( "%s already exists! Set overwrite=True to overwrite it!" % (fname) ) if six.PY2: kwargs.setdefault("encoding", "utf-8") d = { key: val for key, val in six.iteritems(self) if (include_keys is None or key in include_keys) and key not in exclude_keys } kwargs["default_flow_style"] = False if include_descriptions: s = yaml.dump(d, **kwargs) desc = self.descriptions i = 2 header = ( self.HEADER.splitlines() + ["", "Created with python", ""] + sys.version.splitlines() + ["", ""] ) lines = ["# " + line for line in header] + s.splitlines() for line in lines[2:]: key = line.split(":")[0] if key in desc: lines.insert(i, "# " + "\n# ".join(desc[key].splitlines())) i += 1 i += 1 s = "\n".join(lines) if fname is None: return s else: with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(s) else: if fname is None: return yaml.dump(d, **kwargs) with open(fname, "w") as f: yaml.dump(d, f, **kwargs) return None
def _load_plugin_entrypoints(self): """Load the modules for the psyplot plugins Yields ------ importlib.metadata.EntryPoint The entry point for the psyplot plugin module""" from psyplot.utils import plugin_entrypoints def load_plugin(ep): try: ep.module except AttributeError: # python<3.10 try: ep.module = ep.pattern.match(ep.value).group("module") except AttributeError: # python<3.8 ep.module = ep.module_name if plugins_env == ["no"]: return False elif ep.module in exclude_plugins: return False elif include_plugins and ep.module not in include_plugins: return False return True self._plugins = self._plugins or [] plugins_env = os.getenv("PSYPLOT_PLUGINS", "").split("::") include_plugins = [s[4:] for s in plugins_env if s.startswith("yes:")] exclude_plugins = [s[3:] for s in plugins_env if s.startswith("no:")] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) eps = plugin_entrypoints("psyplot", "plugin") for ep in eps: if not load_plugin(ep): logger.debug("Skipping entrypoint %s", ep) continue self._plugins.append(str(ep)) logger.debug("Loading entrypoint %s", ep) yield ep
[docs] def load_plugins(self, raise_error=False): """ Load the plotters and defaultParams from the plugins This method loads the `plotters` attribute and `defaultParams` attribute from the plugins that use the entry point specified by `group`. Entry points must be objects (or modules) that have a `defaultParams` and a `plotters` attribute. Parameters ---------- raise_error: bool If True, an error is raised when multiple plugins define the same plotter or rcParams key. Otherwise only a warning is raised""" pm_env = os.getenv("PSYPLOT_PLOTMETHODS", "").split("::") include_pms = [s[4:] for s in pm_env if s.startswith("yes:")] exclude_pms = [s[3:] for s in pm_env if s.startswith("no:")] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) plotters = self["project.plotters"] def_plots = {"default": list(plotters)} defaultParams = self.defaultParams def_keys = {"default": defaultParams} def register_pm(ep, name): full_name = "%s:%s" % (ep.module, name) ret = True if pm_env == ["no"]: ret = False elif name in exclude_pms or full_name in exclude_pms: ret = False elif include_pms and ( name not in include_pms and full_name not in include_pms ): ret = False if not ret: logger.debug("Skipping plot method %s", full_name) return ret for ep in self._load_plugin_entrypoints(): try: plugin_mod = ep.load() except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): logger.debug("Failed to import %s!" % (ep,), exc_info=True) logger.warning("Failed to import %s!" % (ep,)) continue rc = plugin_mod.rcParams # load the plotters plugin_plotters = { key: val for key, val in rc.get("project.plotters", {}).items() if register_pm(ep, key) } already_defined = set(plotters).intersection(plugin_plotters) if already_defined: msg = ( "Error while loading psyplot plugin %s! The " "following plotters have already been " "defined" ) % ep msg += "and will be overwritten:" if not raise_error else ":" msg += "\n" + "\n".join( chain.from_iterable( ( ( "%s by %s" % (key, plugin) for plugin, keys in def_plots.items() if key in keys ) for key in already_defined ) ) ) if raise_error: raise ImportError(msg) else: warn(msg) for d in plugin_plotters.values(): d["plugin"] = ep.module plotters.update(plugin_plotters) def_plots[ep] = list(plugin_plotters) # load the defaultParams keys plugin_defaultParams = rc.defaultParams already_defined = set(defaultParams).intersection( plugin_defaultParams ) - {"project.plotters"} if already_defined: msg = ( "Error while loading psyplot plugin %s! The " "following default keys have already been " "defined:" ) % ep msg += "\n" + "\n".join( chain.from_iterable( ( ( "%s by %s" % (key, plugin) for plugin, keys in def_keys.items() if key in keys ) for key in already_defined ) ) ) if raise_error: raise ImportError(msg) else: warn(msg) update_keys = set(plugin_defaultParams) - {"project.plotters"} def_keys[ep] = update_keys self.defaultParams.update( {key: plugin_defaultParams[key] for key in update_keys} ) # load the rcParams (without validation) super(RcParams, self).update({key: rc[key] for key in update_keys}) # add the deprecated keys self._deprecated_ignore_map.update(rc._deprecated_ignore_map) self._deprecated_map.update(rc._deprecated_map)
[docs] def copy(self): """Make sure, the right class is retained""" return RcParams(self)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def catch(self): """Context manager to reset the rcParams afterwards Usage:: rcParams['some_key'] = 0 with rcParams.catch(): rcParams['some_key'] = 1 assert rcParams['some_key'] == 1 assert rcParams['some_key'] == 0 """ save = dict(self) yield super().update(save) # reset settings
[docs] def psyplot_fname(env_key="PSYPLOTRC", fname="psyplotrc.yml", if_exists=True): """ Get the location of the config file. The file location is determined in the following order - `$PWD/psyplotrc.yml` - environment variable `PSYPLOTRC` (pointing to the file location or a directory containing the file `psyplotrc.yml`) - `$PSYPLOTCONFIGDIR/psyplot` - On Linux and osx, - `$HOME/.config/psyplot/psyplotrc.yml` - On other platforms, - `$HOME/.psyplot/psyplotrc.yml` if `$HOME` is defined. - Lastly, it looks in `$PSYPLOTDATA/psyplotrc.yml` for a system-defined copy. Parameters ---------- env_key: str The environment variable that can be used for the configuration directory fname: str The name of the configuration file if_exists: bool If True, the path is only returned if the file exists Returns ------- None or str None, if no file could be found and `if_exists` is True, else the path to the psyplot configuration file Notes ----- This function is motivated by the :func:`matplotlib.matplotlib_fname` function""" cwd = os.getcwd() full_fname = os.path.join(cwd, fname) if os.path.exists(full_fname): return full_fname if env_key in os.environ: path = os.environ[env_key] if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isdir(path): full_fname = os.path.join(path, fname) if os.path.exists(full_fname): return full_fname else: return path configdir = get_configdir() if configdir is not None: full_fname = os.path.join(configdir, fname) if os.path.exists(full_fname) or not if_exists: return full_fname return None
[docs] def get_configdir(name="psyplot", env_key="PSYPLOTCONFIGDIR"): """ Return the string representing the configuration directory. The directory is chosen as follows: 1. If the `env_key` environment variable is supplied, choose that. 2a. On Linux and osx, choose ``'$HOME/.config/' + name``. 2b. On other platforms, choose ``'$HOME/.' + name``. 3. If the chosen directory exists, use that as the configuration directory. 4. A directory: return None. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the program env_key: str The environment variable that can be used for the configuration directory Notes ----- This function is motivated by the :func:`matplotlib.matplotlib_fname` function""" configdir = os.environ.get(env_key) if configdir is not None: return os.path.abspath(configdir) p = None h = _get_home() if ( sys.platform.startswith("linux") or sys.platform == "darwin" ) and h is not None: p = os.path.join(h, ".config/" + name) elif h is not None: p = os.path.join(h, "." + name) if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p, exist_ok=True) return p
[docs] def validate_path_exists(s): """If s is a path, return s, else False""" if s is None: return None if os.path.exists(s): return s else: raise ValueError('"%s" should be a path but it does not exist' % s)
[docs] def validate_files_exist(files): """Validate if all pathnames in a given list exists""" return [validate_str(fn) and validate_path_exists(fn) for fn in files]
[docs] def validate_dict(d): """Validate a dictionary Parameters ---------- d: dict or str If str, it must be a path to a yaml file Returns ------- dict Raises ------ ValueError""" try: return dict(d) except TypeError: d = validate_path_exists(d) try: with open(d) as f: return dict(yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)) except Exception: raise ValueError("Could not convert {} to dictionary!".format(d))
[docs] def validate_bool_maybe_none(b): "Convert b to a boolean or raise" if isinstance(b, six.string_types): b = b.lower() if b is None or b == "none": return None return validate_bool(b)
[docs] def validate_bool(b): """Convert b to a boolean or raise""" if isinstance(b, six.string_types): b = b.lower() if b in ("t", "y", "yes", "on", "true", "1", 1, True): return True elif b in ("f", "n", "no", "off", "false", "0", 0, False): return False else: raise ValueError('Could not convert "%s" to boolean' % b)
[docs] def validate_str(s): """Validate a string Parameters ---------- s: str Returns ------- str Raises ------ ValueError""" if not isinstance(s, six.string_types): raise ValueError("Did not found string!") return six.text_type(s)
[docs] def validate_stringlist(s): """Validate a list of strings Parameters ---------- val: iterable of strings Returns ------- list list of str Raises ------ ValueError""" if isinstance(s, six.string_types): return [six.text_type(v.strip()) for v in s.split(",") if v.strip()] else: try: return list(map(validate_str, s)) except TypeError as e: raise ValueError(e.message)
[docs] def validate_stringset(*args, **kwargs): """Validate a set of strings Parameters ---------- val: iterable of strings Returns ------- set set of str Raises ------ ValueError""" return set(validate_stringlist(*args, **kwargs))
#: :class:`dict` with default values and validation functions defaultParams = { # user defined plotter keys "plotter.user": [ {}, validate_dict, inspect.cleandoc( """ formatoption keys and values that are defined by the user to be used by the specified plotters. For example to modify the title of all :class:`psyplot.plotter.maps.FieldPlotter` instances, set ``{'plotter.fieldplotter.title': 'my title'}``""" ), ], "gridweights.use_cdo": [ None, validate_bool_maybe_none, "Boolean flag to control whether CDOs (Climate Data Operators) should " "be used to calculate grid weights. If None, they are tried to be " "used.", ], # decoder "decoder.x": [ set(), validate_stringset, "names that shall be interpreted as the longitudinal x dim", ], "decoder.y": [ set(), validate_stringset, "names that shall be interpreted as the latitudinal y dim", ], "decoder.z": [ set(), validate_stringset, "names that shall be interpreted as the vertical z dim", ], "decoder.t": [ {"time"}, validate_stringset, "names that shall be interpreted as the time dimension", ], "decoder.interp_kind": [ "linear", validate_str, "interpolation method to calculate 2D-bounds (see the `kind` parameter" "in the :meth:`` method)", ], # specify automatic drawing and showing of figures "auto_draw": [ True, validate_bool, ( "Automatically draw the figures if the draw keyword in the " "update and start_update methods is None" ), ], "auto_show": [ False, validate_bool, ( "Automatically show the figures after the update and" "start_update methods" ), ], # data "datapath": [None, validate_path_exists, "path for supplementary data"], # list settings "lists.auto_update": [ True, validate_bool, "default value (boolean) for the auto_update " "parameter in the initialization of Plotter, " "Project, etc. instances", ], # project settings # auto_import: If True the plotters in project,plotters are automatically # imported "project.auto_import": [ False, validate_bool, "boolean controlling whether all plotters " "specified in the project.plotters item will be " "automatically imported when importing the " "psyplot.project module", ], "project.import_seaborn": [ None, validate_bool_maybe_none, "boolean controlling whether the seaborn module shall be imported " "when importing the project module. If None, it is only tried to " "import the module.", ], "project.plotters": [ {}, validate_dict, "mapping from identifier to plotter definitions for the Project class." " See the :func:`psyplot.project.register_plotter` function for " "possible keywords and values. See " ":attr:`psyplot.project.registered_plotters` for examples.", ], "project.plotters.user": [ {}, validate_dict, "Plot methods that are defined by the user and overwrite those in the" "``'project.plotters'`` key. Use this if you want to define your own " "plotters without writing a plugin", ], # presets "presets.trusted": [ [], validate_files_exist, "A list of filenames with trusted presets", ], } _rcparam_warn_str = ( "Trying to set {key} to {value} via the {func} " "method of RcParams which does not validate cleanly. " ) _seq_err_msg = ( "You must supply exactly {n:d} values, you provided " "{num:d} values: {s}" ) _str_err_msg = ( "You must supply exactly {n:d} comma-separated values, " "you provided " "{num:d} comma-separated values: {s}" ) #: :class:`~psyplot.config.rcsetup.RcParams` instance that stores default #: formatoptions and configuration settings. rcParams = RcParams() rcParams.update_from_defaultParams() defaultParams_orig = defaultParams.copy()